We offer COVID Fogging services
for all commercial premises.

With the Coronavirus crisis continuing to impact across all walks of life, many professionals in our industry feel that the pandemic could have a more permanent effect on how we do things moving forwards.

High on the agenda of discussion is disinfecting. Whether addressing the short-term of people slowly returning to work post-lockdown or the longer-term of stopping second or third waves of the virus once the majority are back at work. 

What is COVID fogging

Fogging, as the term suggests, uses disinfectant sprayed from a Fogging machine to create what looks like fog in the room. It is an effective way to disinfect high levels of horizontal surfaces, hard to reach areas that are often missed or forgotten and small, and confined spaces such as extractor units. It can also be effective at disinfecting vertical surfaces.

What are the benefits 

Fogging provides you with a range of benefits

  • Fogging is seen as being safe and effective if carried out correctly.
  • Effective at reducing air-bourne contaminants.
  • Effective at disinfecting hard to reach areas.
  • Highly effective at disinfecting horizontal surfaces.

CCL Cleaning Limited
Rail House
Gresty Road